Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Siobhan is Kicking My Ass

I finally finished the sleeves! I was doing the happy dance of completion even as I double-checked that the sleeves would fit into the armscye. They fit! Found a new problem, though.

The neck is WAY too small!!!!

I am really kicking myself that I didn't notice as I was blocking the lace fronts to the dimensions specified in the diagram that a 2" neckline drop is CHILD SIZED. From the photo, it clearly should be 3-1/2 to 4 inches to accommodate the edging and not strangle the wearer. Sigh.

I do confess, instead of following the directions to add a garter edging later, I added a knitted-on ribbed band because I hate garter edgings in most cases. But I put those stitches on holders (see pic) and followed the neck decreases as written. Which would have worked, had they started 2 inches sooner.

So, now I'm looking at my blocked fronts, which I had to stretch the bejesus out of because, hello, linen and lace, and I just want to run screaming into the streets, possibly naked. And the more I stare at that ugly, ugly pic, the more I think those collar points are going to roll forward no matter where the neckline is, which will piss me off. Because this sumbeech is getting worn A LOT after two months work of work!

The solution is to rip back to the armholes and begin a sloped vee-shaped edging to the cardigan. But I'm angry, and giving it the silent treatment for now.

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