Wednesday, July 9, 2008

FO: Baby Poonam

Baby Poonam and Cable Baby Beanie
Baby Poonam and Cable Baby Beanie
This little sweater, Baby Poonam, was easy and fun to knit. I've never picked up stitches to knit the arms top to bottom before, but it looks nice and was easy to sew up. My LYS, The Gourmet Yarn Co., didn't carry the Berroco Comfort DK, so I used Plymouth Dream Baby DK instead. I ended up making another in Berroco Touche, which turned out nice although I had to go down 2 needle sizes to get gauge.

Top left sweater and beanie is Berroco Touche, bottom right is in Plymouth Dreambaby.

Hat pattern is #57 Baby Cable Beanie by SweaterBabe.

Easy and fun to knit, turns out really cute! I changed the front ribbing band, I like for cables to flow out of the ribbing rather than do a purl row and then start the cables from nowhere. I also changed the button band ribbing, if you start with P1, then K2,P2 across and end with P1, then when you pick up sts on either side the P column goes away and you’re left with nice neat columns of ribbing next to the pickup. Here’s how I changed the bottom cable start next to the ribbing:

WS Increase Row (knit onto larger needle)
Textured Pattern Panel P next 11 st while incr 3 st evenly P-wise, PM (14 sts)(3 added)
Cable A inc 1 st K-wise in next st, K1, (P2,K2)twice, PM (10 sts)(1 added)
Cable B P2, inc K-wise in next 2 sts, K2, inc K-wise in next 2 sts, K2, P4, K1, inc 1 st K-wise in next st, K3, inc 1 st K-wise in next st, K5, P2, PM (32 sts)(6 added)
Cable A (K2,P2) 2 times, inc 1 st K-wise in next st, K1, PM (10 sts) (1 added)
Textured Pattern Panel inc P-wise in all 7 sts (14 sts)(7 added)

FO: Lutea Lace-Shoulder Shell

Lutea Lace Shoulder Shell
Lutea Lace Shoulder Shell
Knit on the way to/from Grand Lake Colorado over the 4th of July week, this tank was pretty easy until I got to the lace shoulders. Finally went into the town of Grand Lake to the coffee shop and used their free wi-fi to search for errata. I knew I wasn't crazy! The lace pattern is printed wrong in the magazine (IK Summer 2007), here's the correction. I used Plymouth Fantasy Naturale, which is 100% cotton instead of the cotton/micro blend called for in the pattern. It's a little heavy, but the lace looks great! I also wish I'd made one size smaller so that it would not be quite so big at the waist.