Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Visit From the Stupidity Fairy

I received a set of interchangeable knitting needles for Christmas from The Gourmet Yarn Company and have really enjoyed them. (Okay, the truth is: I told my husband what I wanted, he got a glazed look in his eyes, I received a gift card. Whatever works. ;)

I am working on a contract project for Hobby Lobby that I've mentioned before. (It's drying on the blocking board right now, and I'm squeaking with pride, I LOVE it!). But, a tragedy occured during the washing process. I left the shoulder stitches of the sweater's back side on one of the interchangeable cables with stops on the end. The picture above shows my woe -- the cable ends snapped off inside the stops. Waaah!

When I wash a sweater by hand, I gently wring the water out of it, then spread it out flat on a dry towel, roll the sweater up in the towel like a sausage, and then place it on the floor and walk up and down it to wring out more water. Then, I unroll it and repeat with another dry towel. Sweaters dry in record time without fear of mildew in my humid climate. However, little plastic discs are no match for a zealous knitter stomping the water out of her creation. I used a couple of spare Addi's for the fronts. ;)

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