Friday, March 5, 2010

The Whole World is Standing in Line to Stop My Knitting

Want me to do something for you? Get in freaking line!!!! I am positive that if I checked my horoscope, it would say, "no free time for you anytime soon, my dear." WTH?!

I am still managing to snatch 5 minutes here and there on my Giraffe Jacket, which would have been finished a month ago if my so-called life hadn't suddenly gone beserk. Drove to Fargo, ND for my son's hockey tournament for 5 days, and of course I'm thinking great chunks of knitting time in the car and at the hotel. Oh no, on the drive up the guys decided to wait and see the first period of the Canada hockey game, so we left after dark and the dome light "bugged the driver", and then when we got there the dry air freaked out my sinuses resulting in a constant splitting headache making it impossible to knit, then on drive home -- flu complete with alternating fever, chills, body aches, and complete fatigue. AAAAaaaah!

I am now well. But even if I do ignore chores or errands and sit down to knit, the Universe thinks, "Oh no, you don't!" and sends me an urgent phone call, sick child, broken household item, hockey practice, boy scout event, etc.

Calgon, take me away!!! (Two more travel hockey weekends and the season is done!!!!)

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